Monday, October 26, 2009

Paranormal Activity Movie Review

Ok, I finally watched the movie so I can make a good review about it, even if it does not fit in the topic of research that this blog is all about, but whatever, it deserves a review.

After I start to talk about the movie, IT IS NOT REAL, I'm tired bumping into people that say that the film was real, and that the couple really died and etc, well.. it is as true as Blair Witch Project! In other words, it AINT real. But that reminds me that there are people that even nowadays think that Blair Witch Project is real, thanks to its kind of 'viral marketing' at people that believe everything that they see (on the tv).

The film is extremely low budget (actually, the budget was $15.000), but it is a decent movie. It all happens in a house (most of in the bedroom), where a couple (Micah and Katie) live. Katie tells Micah that strange things have happened since she was very young, something like a ghost haunts her almost every night, but she reminded quiet about this "phenomena" so Micah didn't think she was a freak, so Micah decides to investigate, and buys a camera to keep filming the Bedroom and recording it to the laptop so he could analyze it later, also when not in the bedroom, Micah is always with the camera recording everything. When he analyzes the first nights he starts to note strange things happening, like, the door moving by it self.

After the 'proof', a "Medium" is called to help them, but the medium says it is not a ghost, but a demon, and that he cannot help them, and he gives them the number of a Demonologist to help them, but when they later call him, he's not in the country.

During the movie, there are lots of "small cuts" of Micah challenging the Demon, every time that he does this the demon activity starts to get heavier and heavier, and in this movie they play with the sound a lot to implement fear into the viewers. Micah then decides to play with the Ouija board, and some ghost transmit him a message, when he later did some research, he finds out that a person had exactly the same symptoms as Katie, and when they tried to make a exorcism, that possessed person bited literally of her own arm, so Katie starts to get really scared.

Finally, Katie has one more of her "somnambulism" attacks, and gets out of bed, starts do going down stairs into the kitchen.. and finally she stars to screaming like hell, Micah wakes up and hurry's into the kitchen, than he also screams, and silence erupts, everything is quiet until a noise is heard coming from the stars, it is Katie, with a butchers knife covered with blood. After this, there is some alternate endings, the one that I saw is police arriving the next day, Katie was still in shock with the butchers knife on the hand, and when police points they're flashlights into her, she wakes up from the shock and start running into the police asking where was Micah, since the police saw the she had a knife on the had covered with blood, they shot her down in self-defense.

I skipped a lot in this review, didn't talk about the some 'funny'/interesting parts in the movie, it was only a quick general review, and a kind-of-detailed ending.

For what I have seen, people comment this movie as "very scary", actually, I don't find it scary at all, 75% of the "fear" is implemented in the sound, and since cinema has a very good sound, that may scare a little, but not that much.
So if you have like to be scared with movies, if you buy the DVD/BLR and have a good surround system in home, watch it late night to maximize the experience :)

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